1. Some useful expressions 2. Why is it important to understand your target audience? 3. Making your social media marketing more effective 4. Informing your social media marketing strategy 5. Defining your target audience 6. Key takeouts Quick Links Digital Marketing Target Audience Social Media Marketing Online Presence Content Marketing Audience Traffic
Post often is the best way to engage your audience
Your followers will stay interested if they hear from you on a regular basis, and the more you post, the more likely people are to see your content.
The “recommended number of posts per day” is a bit of a myth. Some marketing experts advise sharing content at least once a day and some say as often as 2-3 times per day across your social platforms. The key is to find what’s right for your business. As long as you have something worth sharing, it’s fine to post. However, you should be wary of spamming your audience, as this can create a bad user experience.
Think about the social channels you’re using. One may be very fast moving and suit a business that is able to publish quick, small pieces of content. Another may be slow-paced and suit a business that is more likely to publish once or twice a week. Really think about how you can keep up with the pace of the channel you’re active on.
As you post, make sure to look out for comments. Set your notifications on each platform to alert you when someone comments. It’s important that you try to respond to all comments, even the negative ones, as it lets your audience know you value what they have to say.
Top tip: Always make sure that the content you’re sharing is relevant to your followers. Simply posting for the sake of it, or posting sales-heavy content, can be off-putting. This could easily lead to people unfollowing your profile and potentially harm your reputation.
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